Healthy Living In Leith podcast

This week I’ve been interviewed for the Edinburgh Outdoors podcast (to be released next month).

It got me thinking about the fun podcast project we did with Leith Festival post-pandemic. There’s Spotify links to the five episodes below, and you can also list on Podbean. Each 15 minute episode featured a walk / run from Leith, an interview and a workout to original music written and recorded by Andy Wright. The jingle features fitness pug Coco woofing too. It’s a bit of fun. Enjoy!

Episode 1: The first podcast, released December 2021 with a walk from Leith, a wee workout and interview too!

Episode 2: January 2022 with a stretching workout and interview with (then) MP Diedre Brock, plus exercise to boost your mood.

Episode 3: February 2022, with a HIIT workout, interview with Safer by Sound founder Phil Rainford and the best way to do high intensity interval training.

Episode 4: March 2022, featuring a walking workout, interview with Carrie from Leith Festival and ideas for walks around Leith.

Episode 5: The final one, recorded at Loch Ness in April 2022 - Breathing special, with lots of information on this vital function of the body, an original breathing exercise to original ambient music…

I hope you enjoyed these episodes and I’ll blog again when my Edinburgh Outdoors podcast about Pilrig Park is live…


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