Do Sports Drinks Really Work?

There’s a huge variety of ‘sports drinks’ on the market, but are they really necessary? If you are a moderate exerciser where your sessions are an hour or under, the truth is that you don’t really need them. Water is best to sip on whilst exercising. Also be sure that you are adequately hydrated before and after a session. I’ve met folk who don’t drink water at all, then believe a sports drinks when they’re exercising will be extra good!

brightly colour sports drinks

If you are running long distance, doing an extended hill walk, bike ride or are exercising in the heat you may find a drink containing some sugar (carbohydrate) helpful. This is because fluid with a similar carbohydrate concentration to blood is absorbed more easily by the stomach. Rather than spend money on fancy drinks (often with artificial sweeteners in), try making a bottle of weak Ribena or homemade cordial in a reusable drink bottle. This is especially handy in hot weather or if you find that plain water makes you need the loo. When you drink plain water, it is more likely to be ‘flushed’ through your system (therefore making you want to wee), whereas a weak carb solution / slightly sweet drink means your stomach lining ‘thinks’ it’s food and absorbs it more readily. This, in turn, hydrates you better.

For those watching their waistlines, remember shop-bought sugary drinks are often quite calorific. This is why I prefer to make my own - I can make it less sweet, and save a plastic bottle too. Even a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice will suffice.

Our western diet tends to be high in salt, so salt replacement is not that high on the agenda. If you feel you could benefit from an electrolyte replacement system, add a tiny wee pinch of sea salt to your drink bottle, only a tiny bit is required so you won’t taste it.

A word on drink bottles, get a proper sports bottle so you can keep it very clean in a dishwasher or washed by hand at a high temperature. Homemade cordials are also awesome, and I plan on publishing an elderflower cordial recipe very soon, so keep your eyes peeled!


Elderflower Cordial Recipe


25 Reasons to Run